Friday, August 18, 2006

Yesterday - Today

Do you ever have one of those days where you're busy All. Day. Long. And when you think back on it, you can't recall a thing you've gotten done?

That was my yesterday.

I had a meeting last night for the new homeschool co-op. A couple of girlfriends and I met beforehand and drank some iced tea and compared calendars. Catching each other up on Girl Scouts, the YMCA homeschool program, the co-op, etc. I thought I was pretty on top of it all, but I was kidding myself. I need to get out all of my paperwork and schedule in the things that are important to us.

Because, uh, homeschooled kids aren't socialized.


But I'm not going to do it today. Because we're out the door in a minute to go to a RV show!

I'm pretty excited. More later.

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