Despite the fact that I've not posted about it at all in a few weeks, I have continued to hone my frugal shopping skills. It seems to be easier now and is taking much less of my time.
This is what I bought last week at C*VS. After coupons and E*CB's I paid $1.95 out of pocket. And I only did that because I didn't want to lose the nickle out of a 2.00 E*CB. After this shopping trip (if memory serves) I had 9.50 E*CB's left, and "earned" 22.00 more E*CB's.
This is what I got yesterday.
8 pk V*iva paper towels
12 pk C*ottonelle bath tissue (double rolls)
4 jars R*agu
4 jars S*kippy Peanut Butter
16 pk E*nergizer AAA batteries
16 pk E*nergizer AA batteries
250 caplets E*xcedrin Extra Strength
100 caplet E*xcedrin Migraine
After my E*CB's and coupons, I paid $26.62 out of pocket. And I got back 35.00 in E*CB's.
1 year ago
Excellent shopping Michelle!
I apologize if this is a stupid question- What are E*CB's and C*VS? THANK YOU!!!
Thanks Beth! Are you doing it right now?
Andrea, not stupid at all. Just take out the * in the posts. I put those in so people doing a search for specific places/brands don't get my blog.
C*VS is a local store.
E*CB's are their reward system, this instant coupon slip that prints out on your receipt to be used on your next purchase.
Do you guys have a C*VS?
That's amazing Michelle!! I still don't know how the ECB's work, but it sounds like I need to take the time to learn! Tonya
I don't believe we do. I haven't actually checked if there are any in Oregon. We have Wal*mart, Albert*son's, Fred *Meyer (which is where I found the washing soda! Thank You), and my hubby works for Safe*way. They sometimes print out coupons with your receipts but not always. But their prices can be a bit high. Do you know what C*VS stands for? I wonder if they have them in Arkansas? It looks like that is where we are headed soon after the beginning of next year. My hubby has family there.
Michelle, do I need to put a little symbol anytime listing a store name in the comments? Want to make sure I don't cause any problems. ThankS!!
Andrea, no...I don't think people can search by the comments. And if they can, I'm not too concerned. But thank you for your diligence. That's very sweet.
You can go to: and they have a locater button on there somewhere.
Just FYI, Walgreens does something a little similar, but not as in depth from what I've found.
Tonya, I'm not an expert at all and am still pretty new to it, but this is how it seems to work. Basically you check their sales papers for ECB deals. And it will have a something like a page of products that says if you spend $30, you get back 15.00 ecb.
So you spend $30 on those products and when you get a receipt, at the bottom there will be a "coupon" with a 15.00 ecb attached at the end. You can then use the ebc kinda like cash (or a coupon, I'm not really sure) the next time you shop there.
I'm sure the website would give a much better and more accurate detailed version than I possibly can.
I definitely think it's worth the trouble to learn.
I haven't been to cvs for quite awhile now...I'm currently in the "no more stuff" phase and refuse to buy pretty much anything extra. I'm sure it'll change but for now I'm happy to clear the house out,lol.
Funny you should say that Beth! When I get a few minutes I'm going to post the new books that came in the mail yesterday. One is a concept similar to what you seem to be doing.
HI! I have been tryign to find a link to the printer of that Bird Flu pamplet. I did find the company's name and address in several places, but no webpage. There is an address listed on the pamphlet and it is the same address I found for the company on the search engine, so I guess they only use snail mail. I put a little addition to the bottom of that post with the info. Thanks!
Thank you so much for checking into that! I've searched as well and not found much. It was pretty shocking to me.
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