Monday, May 07, 2007


I'd meant to make a picture of the little square foot garden when I first planted it, but time got away. So now it's been planted 2 weeks, and this is what it looks like:

This is the tomatoes, 2 peppers and a squash and zucchini plant.

This is the onions with beans sprouting behind them. I never realized how long it took onions to grow! They've been planted almost 2 months now!

A closer look at some squash and zucchini.

This is some squash, zucchini, peppers, cucumbers and basil. The cucumbers didn't do so well last year. We changed the soil this year and also added rocks to the bottom of the containers (instead of sand).

This year I actually have about 6 sq. ft. of space left to plant, but it has to be something that doesn't block the back plants sun and something that doesn't need a trellis. I'm stumped.


Anonymous said...

Your garden looks fantastic Michelle, I love it!! Your deck is going to be overflowing with garden goodies!

My name is Michelle. said...

Thanks Beth! I'm hopeful. Last year things started off okay and then just kinda ... stopped? Well, some thing did. We had more tomatoes than we could eat. It's only our second year doing this, so hopefully we'll get the kinks ironed out.

"My Little Wonders" said...

I love your deck garden(what a good idea) Do you like carrots or maybe lettuce in your extra spaces? Just a thought. Thanks for stopping by my blog and I hope you enjoy our garden pictures when we get it started. I look forward to watching others gardens grow :)
Nice to meet you.....Lori

My name is Michelle. said...

Thanks Lori! And carrots are a *great* idea, I actually have a pack of seeds... Our climate won't support lettuce in the summer.

Sharon said...

Your garden is very lovely!