Saturday, September 09, 2006

A Quick Post

This week has really gotten away from me. I'm trying to figure out why.

Monday was the holiday, but we had Girl Scouts too. And this week we were getting ready for camp (which started yesterday) so it was a busy meeting. We have an over enthusiastic leader for the Juniors this year. She is *marvelous*. Period. And she keeps us *very* busy with all the badges she's working on. I complained a little on Monday morning trying to get all the stuff together. Picture whiny voice. "It's a holiday." "Where am I going to find that size metal can in this day and age?" "Do I have a bag big enough to carry all of this and the Cadette stuff too??" "Am I ever going to get all the GS stuff organized??"

And then we got there and saw how much work the leader had put into it. For every one thing I did, she did 10. No more complaining for me.

Tuesday was YMCA co-op and it's all new for middle dd this year. She moved up to a new group (the group is new, not just her in the group) and it's a LOT of work and they don't have the kinks worked out yet. So it's frustrating for all of us. That was pretty much all day Tuesday.

Wednesday middle DD(12) had another co-op. Youngest DD(9) sat in the car listening to the radio while I worked on my schedule with a couple of other moms right outside the car. Until the battery went dead. She'd turned the whole car "almost on" and the battery died. LOL Luckily, one of the moms had cables.

Then after co-op I picked up DD(12) and 2 of her friends and my little one and took them all to get some food and then to youth at the neighboring church. Got stuck in **crazy** traffic on the way home to pick up DH. We were gonna go out to eat. I made it home with 10 minutes before I had to head back out to get the girls. I had bologna. : )

Thursday we worked fervently on homeschool and DH and I had a couple of errands to run. Attempted to get a little housework done too, but it didn't go so well.

Friday we did homeschool and then had to pack up for GS camp. They've never both went together before so it was a challenge to find 2 of everything. But I think we got it worked out. We dropped the girls off yesterday around 6pm and then DH and I got to go out to eat! It was a fantastic evening. Not too hot. We got to sit outside. Very nice.

Every Friday our city has a "gathering" downtown with music and such. We walked around there for a while afterward and met up with some friends. Very nice and relaxing. I'm so glad DH suggested it.

Then we went to pick up a few things that I need to take to camp tonight. Yes, I get to go spend the night tonight, as one of the moms needs to come back today.

We came home and snuggled down. A very nice evening. And I didn't worry about the kids at all. Right. You believe that don't you?

So today I'm about to get ready to go to camp for the *first* time.

Wish me luck.

And I suppose this post wasn't too *quick* after all.

: )


CJ said...

Wow! I'm tired just reading about all you did! Kudos to you for keeping it all together!

My name is Michelle. said...

Wow! Thanks! But I've not written about the camping trip yet. LOL I didn't keep it together so well. ; )