Monday, April 21, 2008

Want A $50 Visa Giftcard? Give-A-Way Over!

Giveaway over! No more comments allowed. Winner to be picked soon!

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

Time for another blog give-a-way! What a fun way to meet new and different bloggers and maybe win a little loot in the process!

Well, the loot at this site is gonna be...a $50 Visa Giftcard!

That's right. 50 smackeroos (in plastic form) to spend how you see fit. Mailed right to your door. Maybe you've been wanting a mixer? Or something from Amazon. Or how about some nice steaks at the grocery store? Hey, you can even buy gas with it!

Whatever you little heart desires.

To enter:

Leave a comment telling what you would like to buy with the giftcard between right-this-second-now and 4pm Saturday, April 26 when comments will be turned off. I know that's an odd time, but I promise I have my scheduling reasons. :)

Winner will be chosen with a random number generator and notified no later than Monday, April 28. If you don't say what you'd like to buy, your entry is void.

This contest is open to bloggers and non bloggers alike. But please make sure if you have a blog, to have an easy to find email link. And if you don't have a blog, you must leave a valid email address (how else will I get in touch with you when you win?).

You have 3 days to respond to the winning email notification, or an alternate winner will be chosen.

This contest is open to residents of the US only.

See how easy? Come on and comment!

Want to enter more contests? This would be the place to click!


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Anonymous said...

I can't believe I'm the first to leave a comment here! This is a great giveaway. I would definitely put it toward my dining room makeover. It was a sitting room, but we just replaced the carpet with hardwood and now need all sorts of things, like a table and chairs, chandelier, window treatments, you name it. So I'd have plenty of places to put that $50.

Thanks so much! Your blog is lovely. -Julia :-)

Tonya said...

I would absolutely love to use that $50 for some homeschool supplies.I am starting next school year(wish me luck).I have 4 kids with 3 being in Special Ed.I think I can do better than the ps system has been doing.Keeping my fingers crossed:)

Kelly Curtis said...

Yes! That would be awesome! OOH, but what to buy?? Probably supplies for my 11-year-old daughter's neighborhood book club project. She'd think she'd died and gone to Disneyland;) Thanks so much for offering this giveaway!

I'm hosting 3 contests this week. Stop by!

brandy said...

i would have to say it would go towards textbooks for next semester or diapers. bothare exspensive so it would help alot
bwalleshauser AT yahoo DOT com

Cynthia said...

Oh wow...I've been eying a cute pair of strappy sandles (cost $49). With a free gift card, I would run out and buy them! Count me in:)

klt9976 said...

I would have to put it towards my birthday/graduation gift, which I have to pay for part of it. (Birthday is on Sunday and graduation is May 2). I'm going to be a choir teacher and I'm moving out of my parents house. I need a digital piano at my appartment so I can be more prepared and a better teacher. Any little bit helps towards the $1500 the piano costs.

Rebekah said...

While I'd love to go a blow it on something absolutely NOT practical, I would probably use it to get my two boys the summer clothes they need! Yes, too practical, but that's life right now! :-)
Thanks for offering this!

Stacy said...

There is so much I want to buy, but I think I would take my hubby out on a fun date (and have no guilt)! Thanks for the awesome giveaway

Dj said...

I'd like to say something responsible like fuel since the prices are so high. But I'd much rather buy several quilt books I've been eyeing.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your generous offer.

My husband turns 40 on Thursday and I don't have anything for him. With the $50 I would LOVE to take him out to the comedy club and to dinner for a belated birthday gift. He doesn't find turning 40 too "funny" but maybe a night out would lighten things up a bit.

My daughter's birthday is also coming up but she's spoiled enough as it is (ha ha). I think my hubby needs a night out first and foremost.

Thank you!

You can reach me with my URL

Jenny said...

This is a really generous giveaway - thank you! I would probably buy some home improvement supplies (we are in a constant state of remodel with our little fixer upper) or some maternity clothes!

Kristen said...

What an awesome giveaway. My son's birthday is coming up and he's been eyeing a Wii game. They are so expensive, but this would cover it!

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway! I would use it for a

meal with my boyfriend
a rechargeable battery pack for my digital camera or. . .
victoria secret shopping for me!!

Sky said...

I would spend $50.00 on books! There are so many new books out that I can't wait to get my hands on!

Ursula said...

Easy-I'd make photo books or albums of my son for my MIL & FIL. We will be meeting them for the first time in July. They've never met my son (now 3)and I want to make sure they have tons of pictures of their grandson. We don't see them often because they are in Mexico.

Suz said...

I'd like to buy a new blender. I've really been wanting one. Thanks for doing this!

Anonymous said...

I would buy a cuisinart belgian waffle maker...thanks (lcody(at)shaw(dot)ca

Sara said...

ooh, I would probably put it towards a new range- we donated our old one to a school and haven't purchased a new one yet... I am sick of eating out :)

Anonymous said...

Ooo pick me! I would use it to send my mom flowers for Mother's Day since I won't get to see her.

Anonymous said...

Oh I forgot to put my email- My fingers are crossed!!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to get my husband a new video/graphics card for his computer so it quits locking up. :-)

Janey said...

I would buy a new chair for my son because I broke the one he has now doing what I tell him NOT to do...lean back in it. OOPS!

Mary said...

Yay! I looove contests! If I won the $50, I would put it towards the $100 it costs to buy our family membership to the Garden State Discovery Museum. Just took my 2 year old there for the first time and she loooved it! So we can't wait to go back.

Liz Zelie said...

I would buy a tank and a half of gas and go visit my grandparents for a nice long weekend.

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is a wonderful give-away, Michelle!
If I were to receive it, it would either go for a bill, or to buy the very last of our school supplies for Precious Jewel. :)
Thank you for the give-away! God's blessings.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness what would I buy......let's see....a new laptop case from Vera Bradley! I need something to tote my computer in!!

Laura said...

Well...I have four sons and a husband who eat A LOT! I would probably use it for something boring like groceries!!! :) Thanks for such a generous giveaway!

Springjoy said...

I would use it to get my mom and dad supplies to build their dream garden and green house that there is never any extra to get started with or pay for the gas on one of their special trips.

alaskawildrose AT

Tuesday Girl said...

I just had my third child so I would love to get a massage at the spa!

Christine said...

WOW! What a generous giveaway.
I would use the gc for some much needed alone time. Maybe a mani/pedi and lunch? It's been a crazy week with my kiddos and hubby.

A Stone Gatherer said...

I would take my husband out on a date that we both desperately need! Thanks for the chance to win!

Britni said...

Maybe go get a pedicure or a new swimsuit for my upcoming cruise... or maybe buy a new pillow. Who knows. $50 can buy you a lot of loot!

Unknown said...

I think I would spend it on fabric! Or maybe my husband and I could use it to have a night out to ourselves(which we haven't done, in, um, three years or so..eek!).

wiredalive at hotmail dot com

Stacy said...

I would probably use it to take my hubby and I out to dinner.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this GC to buy some much needed summer clothes. I have lost 110 lbs. and need a new wardrobe.

Amy said...

I think I would go out and get anything I wanted at a restaurant. Just can't do that these days in the hard economic times. :)

Mamacita said...

Wow! So generous! I would either by some books or some cute spring sandals.

Anonymous said...

we always need money right? Of course I would go straight for clothes or shoes...i am in need of some great ones to be exact!

GrowingRopers said...

i would put it towards new running shoes! i NEED them!

Keara @ Now I Know What Life Is All About said...

OH WOW! What a neat gift! We have been strapped lately but I am really trying to come up with something creative, fun and different to do for my hubby for his bday and I would really love to buy him Six Flags tickets and spend the day just the 2 of us and have fun and laugh and ride all the rides we can! We really need to let loose and have fun with each other! Thanks!

Mrs. Nichole J. said...

I would probably use it for yard pretties! :-)
Thanks for the GREAT Giveaway!
Please enter me!

Courtney said...

We just bought a new house so this would go towards fixing it up.

Lannie Ott said...

My sister bought me a purse for mother's day. I would love to repay her with something nice...not sure what though.

Stephanie said...

I am going to use it when we go to Disney World this summer, as a way to get my girls some souveniers. PLease enter me. Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

I would buy maternity clothes - great givaway!

Drea said...

50 bucks!! I would buy baby bedding for my 1 month old!

Anonymous said...

I would buy new sheets for my son's bed. He's autistic and goes through sheets very quickly.


Jean said...

I would probably splurge on a new outfit or the start of one anyway or maybe buy a few books that I've been wanting to read.

Sugarplum Cuties said...

Wow, 50.00. I think I would get a new purse or some new shoes. Something completely frivolous and not useful.

Wade's World said...

I want an I-Pod so bad I can taste it.

Anonymous said...

I would buy books or something for my little daughters - please count me in.

amateurdelivre at gmail dot com

mattie said...

I would so go get the "imagine" earrings from Brighton...have been wanting them foreva...Thank you!


Anonymous said...

well my favorite store is Hobby Lobby and I love to scrapbook so I would probably buy some scrapbooking stuff and then something for my little man.

Ronnica said...

I'd either by books or things needed/wanted for my new apartment. Which would I want more? I don't know!

julie said...

I would buy some really decadent sugar scrub and soap...stuff you would not normally buy for yourself.. yeah me

Anonymous said...

I don't plan to buy anything for myself! I will give the gift card to my son's almost wife or buy crystal for her wedding shower.

rccalyn said...

$50? I'd be on my way to Kohl's in a heartbeat, to buy myself some clothes!!! I just hate how pregnancy makes your size go up and down and up and down and up and down...

Carrie said...

Wow that's a lot of money - and a hard decision what to do with it - At this point in our life I think it would need to go toward groceries since I have been going over my budget...but maybe a night out to eat would be a nice choice as my answer is food (I'm prego go figure :) )

Barb J. said...

Awesome giveway! I have been looking at a pretty bird bath to put in the middle of my new herb garden!

suzzcq70 said...

That is so generous! I'd spend half on diapers, and the other half on some delicious and expensive yarn that I would never buy for myself to knit something nice.

suzzcq70 at gmail dot com

Danielle said...

More clothes for the!


Niki Jolene said...

oooh i would buy some groceries for our church's food pantry!


ndisilvio at gmail dot com

Stacy said...

What a generous offer. I will probably use it for gas, but I would love to use it towards a new pair of shoes to motivate my workouts.

Kimberly Carpenter said...

WOW! This is a big one! I would spend it on clothes for hubby and me. We haven't had new stuff in a long while and it's starting to show!

Anonymous said...

I would use the money for books. Please enter me in the contest!

Anonymous said...

Well a practical way to spend it would be one gas, but the fun way I would want to spend it would be scrapbooking supplies. Or maybe wedding stuff ....or shoes.... oh yeah purses. But probably gas!

Unknown said...

I would probably spend it on a nice dinner/movie out with DH for our Anniversary (7/23) or just a date night!

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

Ah! I would buy the top - what, eight or ten? - kids books on my Amazon wish list. There are always more books to buy! Thanks for the contest!

Unknown said...

I would use the $50 to add to my grocery stockpile! What a huge help with all the rising food costs

Ashley said...

I really want to get Wii Fit!

Anonymous said...

I would use the $50 card to buy groceries. With gas prices soaring, costs have to be cut somewhere. At our house, we are spending less on groceries because it is the only expense we have that can be altered. But...fewer groceries means fewer calories so maybe my husband can drop a few pounds.

Muskie Mom said...

I would buy some spring and summer clothes for myself or Minnow with it. Thanks for a generous giveaway!

Julie said...

i would buy gas or use it towards a designer pair of jeans!!

Amanda Jayne said...

I would probably be buying something practical...gas.

Unknown said...

I would love to enter your very generous giveaway. If I won, I would probably use it toward some new summer clothes for the kiddos. Thanks.

Bethany Maxson said...

I would use it for home organization supplies so that we would have a beautiful and orderly home to bless my husband and baby daughter..


Rebekah said...

Wow! What a great giveaway!!! Well since I'm going back to school this summer I would use it towards books or something along those lines.

Becky N. said...

My husband and I are planning on buying a Wii this month. If I were to win $50 in Visa form, I'd be spending it on a brand new game for the Wii! Either one that my husband wants, or one that we're both eyeing: Wii Fit.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a great giveaway, I would probably use the card to buy some books and movies.

Be Thou Exalted said...

I have a 5 year old daughter and a 2 month old son. I'd love to say diapers or something of that nature, but hey, its almost Mother's Day how about a manicure and pedicure!!

Sweetpeas said...

Wow what a great giveaway!!! I'd save it until we get moved (in a couple weeks) and sit down & figure out just how tight our budget post-move is going to be, then if possible, I'd use it for something for the new house, if the budget is impossibly tight it would go for gas or groceries.

Kathrin said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! I would use the giftcard towards a fun date for me and my husband. :)

kedecker at hotmail dot com

Misty said...

Well, I would use the card to spoil my husband a bit. We lost our house and had to move with family. He is working so hard at a job that pays a third of our previous income and he's had a tough time of it... His birthday is in a few weeks and I just want a way to show him I love him! :)

this is a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I would have to say: gasoline. Sheesh, is it ever getting hard to keep the tank filled up!!! Thanks for the opportunity! :)

Claire Roach said...

Oh, the possibilities are endless! Since this would be like getting "free" money, I would spend it on myself! I think a new outfit would be great...or maybe a new pair of jeans. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I homeschool and I have a lot of curriculum and books to buy for next year. This would really help!

Betsy said...

So sorry! The Gattman10 comment was from me. I forgot to sign my son out and myself in!

email in profile

Jennifer (mom of four) said...

I would love to get a new bathing suit at Landsend! After having four children I need a bit of coverage and I love their suits!! They are a bit pricey but worth it! So the Visa giftcard would help a bunch!!

Thanks for the chance!

Amy said...

I'm in a need of a new mixer and this would buy a great one! Thanks!

InnaC said...

I'd buy books from Amazon. :)

mzzterry said...

I just got new furniture for my living room and could use a new lamp or at least a new lampshade! Thats probably what I would do with a windfall of fifty dollars!

Milk Mama said...

What would I buy? That's a hard decision to make right now... but I think I'd get a skirt for me. I've been wanting a new skirt for a while! :D

Fresh Girl said...

I've recently lost a lot of weight and I desperately need some new summer clothes, so that's what I would buy. :)

My email is: anewandafresh (at) gmail (dot) com

Jenn said...

I would buy something for my baby girl. Robeez? My new obsession! Or diapers (cloth)!

Stephanie said...

Just recovering from a post baby surgery.:( So i would treat myself to maybe a pedicure or massage. Hope that is okay!

Chloe Devlin said...

Books. Lots of books....

Or maybe DVDs... like the a season fo Battlestar Galactica...

Or needlework supplies. I'm almost done with one of my projects and I need another pattern and fabric.

So many choices...

chloedevlin at sbcglobal dot net

Megan said...

There are so many things I could buy, but I think I would use it to go towards a nice swimsuit that would be incentive to get in shape and lose some weight!

Nancy Sabina said...

I'm in pretty desperate need of a new summer wardrobe. I've been just recovering from pregnancy the last two summers. So since this summer it's been a *whole year* since I was prego I need some new stuff. Some things with actual shape to them. Made to show off all my hard work excercising instead of hide all my late night Oreo eating.

alexis said...

Momma could use a new pair of shoes! :) Thanks for the contest!

Lissete said...

I would spend it on something extremely selfish and some would view as childish. I want the new WiiFit. It's exercise right??

Alison said...

Wow! You are so generous to offer this giveaway. I think I would take my husband on a date to the movies and if there was any money left over, buy some scrapbooking supplies.

michelle said...

Great giveaway! I would most likely use it to pre-order the new Wii Fit that is going to be released. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

The Princess said...

I would probably go to Target and get more Littlest Pet Shops. Thanks!!

Sarah said...

Please add my name to the hat. I would use it to pay for my state teacher lic.

@Caraann76 said...

I would buy a tree for Earth day and plant in my yard. We don't have any trees planted.

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Please enter me, I would love to gift it to my MOPS group's fundraising event

Lori said...

My daughter has been wearing glasses since she was 7 months old. She's now 15 months old and has to get new glasses next month. So I'd probably put it towards her glasses.

I'm looking forward to checking out your blog.


HilLesha O'Nan said...

I'd use to get my oil changed and gas. :)

bauer zoo said...

i would probably use it to buy some plants or a nice tree for my yard...or for chicken supplies.
great give-away!

Anonymous said...

I lost a lot of weight before getting pregnant with my 4th baby. I need new maternity clothes pretty desperately, so that is what I would buy!

krista said...

i would buy a pair of jeans that fit this post-baby body!!!!

flmom said...

I'd use it toward plants for a butterfly garden we want to make outside.

Melanie Sheridan said...

Great prize! Your blog is so pretty and serene. The practical side of me says to use the GC for gas or groceries but the "you only live once" side would apply to a pair of sandals that were calling to me from the Charles David store window.

Erin said...

Oh I would buy my daughter some fun summer clothes, like sundresses and sandals. Thanks for the giveaway!

BlaqueButterfly said...

I could say that I would spend it towards some sentimental or educational gift for my If you pick me I would use it towards a 30 minute home visit from a masseuse and spend the rest on Chinese delivery all while the kiddos are in school.

Anonymous said...

I'm a kindergarten teacher and I would love to buy my kiddos some end-of-the-year presents such as pencils, crayons, or maybe some books to read at home during the summer. Thanks!

Lisa said...

I would buy gifts for my hubby. Next month is our anniversary, his college graduation AND his b-day! lol

Rocks In My Dryer said...

I would use it to buy Mother's Day gifts, definitely!

Robin said...

Shoes! Or a massage! Or did I mention shoes!

Great giveaway. Count me in please.

Julie said...

I would buy something practical - like a new curtain rod and curtains for my living room.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm... boy this makes my comment sound like a sad sack, but I would buy groceries for my family right now... times have been a bit tough.

crafttealady at yahoo dot com

M.E. said...

Wow, so generous! We need new patio furniture and I've been pricing out what would fit our patio the best for our needs.
Enter me, please!

Living Life Happy said...

50 bucks??!! Wow, will buy some adoption books for sure!! I am sure I will find a couple more items with 50 bucks. Thanks.

Hope I didnt post twice, I had a problem!

Erica said...

I've lost about 17lbs in the last 3 months and I would LOVE to get some new jeans!!

Cricket said...

I would use it to buy something nice for my mom. I am thinking some of her favorite sugar scrub and maybe some nice lotions to go with it. She has been having a rough time of it lately and I would love to be able to treat her to something nice just for her.

Maude Lynn said...

Dirt. Seriously, I'm putting the garden in!

Jen said...

Hmm... I would probably use it for school stuff. I'm a teacher moving schools next year!

Vanessa said...

Lunch and manicures with my mom!

Sandra said...

May is birthday month for us so I would likely put this towards gifts and dinner out...Thanks!


Mrs. Gray's Class said...

Summer shoes for the little ones! Thanks so much.

Deanne said...

Oh gee....the possibilities are endless....a night out with my hubs, new shoes, books, pedicure, clothes for the kids, or maybe something fun for the family!!!

Anonymous said...

I would put it towards a new digital camera!!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome giveaway gift! Thank you! I would buy clothes for my daughter in college. She ALWAYS needs something!

Nicol said...

I would like to say that I would spend it on myself, but I always end up getting something for my dd or dh. They are worth it. Maybe start on the summer clothes for dd or get something for my dh graduation next month.

Anonymous said...

I would treat the sweetest boyfriend ever to a dinner out! His birthday is Thursday and our anniversary is next week.


Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to get a step up potty seat for my daughter. That would allow us to get rid of the little potty that we have to dump out after each use.

Anonymous said...

I would also buy a gift for my hubby. Next month is our anniversary! Thanks for the giveaway!

The Trendy Mommy said...

Wow! What a generous giveaway! I would but two bronze door knobs ;) I've been slowly redoing all the knobs in our house and I just need two more! So this would be great! I'm always worried that they're going to be discontinued before I finish!!

GreenStyleMom said...

If I win, I would be a bit selfish and spend it on ME. Maybe a panini maker or a cookbook I've been wanting.
Thanks for the great giveaway!

Tracey said...

I would buy a baby activity center for my soon to come adopted baby!!! We have never been able to conceive and he is finally here!!! Thank God!

Unknown said...

The answer to your quetion "Want a $50 Visa Gift Card" is YES PLEASE!!
I'd probably use it to buy trinkets on our move from Washington to Florida next month!
Thank you!


Anonymous said...

I would buy extra groceries at the market! Tonya

Heather said...

I'd have to choose between two things. First, a new duvet that I've had my eye on for a while. Or, a good knife for cutting veggies. Those two things have been on my wish list for so long!

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

I'm desperately in need of new flats, I have almost worn holes through mine, so a pair of shoes definitely. After that, I'd spend the rest of my girls and let them each pick out something fun. I'd love to win! Thank you for the chance =)

jpandtheboys said...

Well I need a haircut, I also need a new pair of sandals. BUT I would probably end up using it for gas or groceries.. ohhh the possibilities. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Unknown said...

If chosen for this giveaway, I would totally spend it on my daughter who's 6th birthday is in exactly two weeks from today.

pinkgingham said...

I wish I could say I would buy something fun but I would actually use it to buy gas! :) But not paying for my own gas would be WAY FUN!

Queen B said...

I think I would either buy a tank of gas or buy some new shorts for my kiddo!!

Thanks so much!!

kim said...

I would spend that $50 on dinner and a movie for my husband and me. We seriously need a date night!

Anonymous said...

I think I would take my mom out to lunch. With her birthday and mother's day quickly approaching, I need to do something nice with her.

Suzy said...

I want to put a new garden I'd buy a bunch of perennials at the local garden center.

Anonymous said...

Can I name more than one thing I would buy? A three wheeled scooter for my 4 year old, custom clothes on Ebay, an mp3 player, Raggedy Ann's, and the list goes on!!


Unknown said...

I work hard,
have two kiddies,
think I'll use it for...
happy spring!

Em said...

Hmmm...I would probably do something really exciting like buy formula!!! Or I might branch out and get the stuff I need to repaint my den and front door.

Superdumb Supervillain said...

Hmm, new booster seat or iPhone? Tough call...

please stop by my blog and enter my contests, too!

Kristin said...

I would buy textbooks sad to say but taht is what I would do with it. I ahve classes starting again and well I need all the extra cash I can get. So nothing fun or fancy for myself just some textbooks. Thanks so much!

delandkristin at

Kristen M. said...

Wow, $50...I have no summer shorts or dresses so I would "have to" go shopping of course!

Aubrey said...

We need a new DVD player. So that's probably what I'd get. That, and maybe the soundtrack to the movie "Once."

jenny said...

i would love to try to win this so that i may get my little one some thing thanks jenny9675309(A+)y*H**(d@t)c0m said...

I would buy diapers for my new surprise about to enter my life in a few weeks!! Thanks for doing the giveaway!

Mer said...

I'd debate about putting it towards textbooks, but I know in the end I'd buy that cute but a little too pricey dress to wear to an end of the semester party!

*~hj~* said...

I'd buy a fun summer dress! Summer is finally here! Yay!

bren j. said...

Hmm....anniversary, daughter's first birthday, father's day.....or just groceries.

Anonymous said...

great prize. graduatin is coming up so someting for my friends and books for me

kim h

Anonymous said...

Mine would all go into my garden -- there are a couple of books on organic gardening, seed saving, and food preservation I want, and one can never have enough plants.

Jane said...

I would use it to buy a nice pair of sandals. I need some cute shoes for the summer.

Richelle said...

Probably some summery shirts for me, and maybe my son, and I guess there would be enough for my husband, too!

Tracey said...

What a generous gift!!! I will buy stuff for my new baby!!! I'm adopting!!!!!!!! Yah Me!!!

Anonymous said...

oh my. $50? it's been so long since i've spent anything on myself but i would love to go hog wild buying lotions and potions. they are small things but sometimes that's what matters most!

thank you.

Tami @ This Mom's Delight said...

I want a daily planner with a pretty binder, but can't seem to spend that much money on myself. This is very generous of you, by the way!

Kathie B. said...

I would use it at a great teachers supply store to buy end of the year gifts for my daughter's teachers.

Nise' said...

What a great gift! I need to get an outfit for my niece's wedding and this would help out.

Dani said...

I would use it to buy my baby a really cute diaper bag. He won't be born until July, but I have found the cutest bag but it is out of my budget. The $50 would be great!

Anonymous said...

I would use it to help pay for plane tickets to see our families. We've been away for three years now.

Hipmomofboyz said...

I'm sure I would go to Hobby Lobby and spend it there..

Bonita said...

I'd give it to my husband. He's always so busy making sure the rest of us are taken care of that he rarely buys anything for himself. I'd like for him to buy something he wants or needs.

Mommy Mo said...

I think I would buy something on I can't decide if I would new books (most likely this one), or maybe use the giftcard towards a scanner that I want!

Tara @ Feels Like Home said...

I'd really like to say I'd buy something super cool and fun, like a Wii fit or a present for my hubby. But actually, I'd buy formula or diapers. They are so expensive!

Anonymous said...

I would buy books. Please enter me.


Anonymous said...

You made this one hard! It's rough making purchasing decisions on the spot :-P

Hmm... I would most likely take myself on a grand ole' Goodwill shopping spree, and use the remainder at the book store!

fiordpiner [at] yahoo [dot] com

Snowbird said...

Oh wow, it is so hard to decide what to use the card for. I think I would probably use it to buy gifts for my 5 grandkids.

Josie said...

I would buy a new skillet and a new saucepan. Ours are left over from college and are at the end of their life!

Preppy Mama said...

I would spend it on my mom. Her birthday is right after mother's day and she has been feeling down lately because of money issues and family illnesses. I think it would perk her up...I'm thinking a new handbag or pair of shoes would do the trick!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I would love to buy strappy sandals for summer, but alas, it would most likely be used for gas, it's over $3.60 a gallon now around here! We also have a trip planned to see my twin daughters at college, it would come in handy then as well.

Bryce said...

Usually Id say Id buy something for hubby,
or clothes for the kids - now that would be lovely!
But this comment Im leaving selfish it may be,
Id spend $50 on a massage for me!

Anonymous said...

I have a growing 12 year old son that is eating me out of house and home- So, I would use it at the grocery!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a great contest!

What would I buy...Hmmm, I think I would actually splurge and buy something fun with it - I am in desperate need of a manicure/pedicure with spring coming (and open toed shoes!] so that's probably what I'd buy with it.


Kimberly said...

This would really help our budget! I would like to say I would spend it on fun stuff, however in reality it would most likely get spent on gas or groceries!

Veronica said...

I would use the $50 towards Mother's day gifts (we have to buy 3) or my husband's birthday, both are coming up soon.

Anonymous said...

Guilt free money? I would have to buy my husband a new George Foreman grill. He wore the old one out.

cathy at domesticpsychology dot com

Barb said...

Fabulous gift! I think I would treat my granddaughters to a Target spree.
They love target!

Tisha Alexander said...

I would use the money so my husband and I could go out on a date!! :) How fun, thanks for this great giveaway!

Christina K. said...

I would use the $50.00 towards shoes for summer. I never buy myself shoes and really really need some!!!

Awesome giveaway!!!!

Heather said...

We would probably be practical & use it on gas & groceries! Thanks!

anne s. said...

would buy my daughter a new dress.
annjsav at gmail dot com

ali said...

gas sounds like a good idea. but maybe i'll use it towards a plane tix to san diego to see my old roommate

Anonymous said...

I have one year old twins and a baby on the way in Sept. I would buy diapers!


racheariel said...

hmm...what would I buy? I'm planning on moving into a new apartment in the fall, and I'm saving up money to do some great decorating! So I think I would put it towards furniture or other great ways to make my new space feel warm and welcoming!

Gina said...

Being a mom and wife, you know, I'd spend the $50 on MYSELF!! Get my hair done or something for once...

The Milkshake said...

I would so go to Ross and buy some shirts and jeans and some skirt fabric for summer skirts!

Have a wonderful day

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