Friday, March 02, 2007

So Busy

Eileen was so sweet to ask about me. I know I've not been around. I couldn't really figure out what was going on and why I was feeling so busy (and a bit stressed about it) last night until DH and I sat down and realized that I've had over 15 hours of extra out of the house things to do this week.

I know 15 hours doesn't sound like a lot to those of you who work outside the home. But because I *don't* work outside the home, all of my hours are usually designated to different tasks. So I've had to basically find 15 hours of time this week. And unfortunately about half of that has come from the computer. :(

Hopefully, after the GirlScout cookie booth sales end this weekend, I'll be back as usual.

So much to say, as usual. So little time.

Love and miss you ALL.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for responding Michelle! 15 hours IS A LOT. Really ;). Have a blessed day!

Rebecca said...

Nice to see you back.

Sharon said...

Michelle, I miss you! Is everything all right?